Vote - vote your favorite

Now it's your chance to participate! We will add clips, i.e. tracks that are yet to be completed, here. If you like a clip, please vote for it. We will concentrate our efforts on the clip that has most votes and finish it first. The most popular clip is on the top.
Play Clip Added Vote
Viremusic - "Summeri" 2014-12-23
Viremusic - "Palacee" 2014-12-28
Viremusic - "Loru" 2014-12-23
Lund&Lund - "Maxo" 2014-12-23
Viremusic - "Sunday" 2014-12-23
Lund&Lund - "Ropera" 2014-12-23
Kioto - "Britle" 2014-12-23
Viremusic - "Control" 2014-12-23
Viremusic - "Baby" 2014-12-23
Profion - "Efe" 2014-12-23